
Leading Servants in the GPC Family

We're Launching our Deacon Ministry!

Making disciples calls us to care, support and serve one another just as Jesus challenged us in Mark 10:45. As our church grows and we continue to focus both on the faithful teaching of God’s word and the care for one another, the practical and spiritual needs will grow in our church family. For this reason, we’re launching a Deacon Ministry—a team of leading servants who will respond to real-time needs, leading our church body to care for one another in true sacrificial biblical community. 
While deacons are not pastors or elders, these men and women are called to be Christ-like examples of service, helping to unify and strengthen our church family. This ministry ties directly into our discipleship focus, as serving one another in community is a vital part of growing as followers of Jesus.  
How You Can Be Involved:
  • Read about the roles, responsibilities and qualification of deacons in Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13, Philippians 1:1, Romans 16:1-2, Acts 6-7 (example of Stephen)
  • If you know someone who exemplifies servant-hearted leadership as described in the above scriptures, please nominate them here (link)
  • Pray with us as we strive to affirm and launch our deacon team by early June.