Galatians 5.16-21: "Walking in the Spirit"- Brett Ferguson, Guest Speaker

Jan 16, 2022

Series, “Unleash” - Message 3
Brett Ferguson, GPC Deacon, Guest Speaker

Scripture: Galatians 5:16-26

1. Walking in the Flesh: allowing my thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions to be controlled by my corrupt nature.

The Flesh is always:
• Defiant
• Deceptive
• Destructive
• Death
• Default

2. Walking in the Spirit: allowing my thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions to be controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit is:
• Freeing
• Flourishing

Walking is war.

Four actions to help win the "War of Your Walk":
• Remember you are at war
• Blockade the flesh
• Resource the spirit
• Find your allies


Big Idea: The Holy Spirit is the biggest change agent in the world.

1. Talk about some failed new year's resolution. Ask your group about their craziest failed resolution over the years.
2. Do you agree with the description Paul gives of life lived in the flesh? How have you seen that lived out?
3. How would you describe a life lived "walking in the Spirit?"
4. Have you ever experienced that type of life? What was happening then?
5. Are you actively mindful of being at war with your flesh?
6. How can we win the war for our walk?

Four Actions to Help Win the War of Your Walk:
(Remember you are in a war, Blockade the flesh, Resource the Spirit, Find your allies)