John 4:1-39: The Grace of Truth – Devon Arredondo - November 21, 2021
The Grace of Truth
Series, Messy Jesus, Message 5
November 11, 2021
Group Notes:
1. Who are the people in our society who you have the greatest difficult showing grace towards?
2. Who are the people in our society who you have the greatest difficulty showing truth towards?
3. It can be challenging to relate to this conversation in our modern society. Does it change the way you view the story if you picture this happening at a local coffee shop or restaurant? If so, how?
4. Note the woman’s initial reaction (v.9) Why does it change by verse 11? Why does she get curious?
5. How does Jesus meet this woman with the perfect balance of Grace and truth?
6. Jesus sets up the theme for conversation by identifying with her needs. If Jesus were to ask you about your needs right now, what would they be?
7. Was the "living water" available even to her? Was the offer legitimate? This was her real question. Do you ever wrestle with believing that "living water" could be made available to you?
8. Return to your answer for the first question. Do you ever wrestle with believing that living water could be available to even them?
9. As we close our series Messy Jesus, how can you be reminded that Jesus’ "living water" is for you? How can you be an example that Jesus’ "living water” is for others by living into His example of grace and truth?