Welcome to Day 7!
We did it! Take a minute to celebrate that -- not only for yourself, but for your children. When we pray, we are in the trenches on behalf of them. And, one day, if they haven’t already, they will thank you for being a mom who prays!
On our last day together, we are going to turn our focus to an area that keeps me a praying parent.
Have you ever had your child wheeled away from you for surgery, let your hand go for their first day of kindergarten, drive away from your home for the first time by themselves or to college? Have you ever gotten that panicked phone call from your son or daughter who lives miles away, or maybe they are sitting right by you dealing with something internally, and they won’t let you in.
Just typing that out, hits me right in the feels in a bad way.
But here is what I know -- My God goes with my kids wherever they go.
He goes before them,
beside them,
behind them,
and He lives within them.
I love it when He and I can both be there, LOL, but there are many times we just can’t.
Yet, He ALWAYS can, and He ALWAYS will, and I can ALWAYS pray from wherever I am.
Now typing that out, hits me right in the feels in a good way.
I just can’t imagine not having this truth to fall back on and rest in, and you have it too!
So, use this knowledge as your strength and stand in the authority it gives you as a praying mother. You don’t have to sit in the school parking lot praying (yes, I’ve done that), or in the waiting room, or in your living room shrunk back as one with no power. No! You can pray from wherever you are, knowing the great I Am is with your child.
Ladies take that in!
The enemy wants you to wait in a posture of defeat and fear, and we learned on day one, that is not how we roll as God’s daughters. We will put the enemy on notice, that we are not to be discounted just because we may not be there with our kids in person, because God’s Holy Spirit is there, AND God is hearing us and our prayers from afar!
Can I get an Amen!!
Scriptures to pray
Ladies, I can’t just give you one scripture for this one. So, here we go…..
“The Lord is The One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalm 139:5
“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” Isaiah 45:2 (translation – He does not play!)
“The Lord your God who goes before you and will HIMSELF fight on your behalf.” Deuteronomy 1:30
Example Prayers
Father, You are The One who goes before Kalen, Charis, John, Christian, Nicholas, Sam, Emery & Leyton, and You will not fail or forsake them. I don’t have to fear and neither do they, because You not only go before them, but You follow behind them, and place Your hand of blessing on their head. Thank You, Father, thank You, that as their mom, I can know this and declare it in the presence of my enemy, and He can do nothing about it!
Father, it’s a tough day. I’m watching my son walk into a situation that makes me scared. But, Father, even though I can’t go with Him, I know You are. You, Yourself personally go to fight on His behalf. Father, please, may he feel Your Presence, experience Your peace, and give him strength knowing You are going in front of Him, and You stand behind Him.
Father, if there ever was a leveling mountains, breaking down gates of bronze and cutting through iron bars day, this is it. Oh, Lord, how I wish I could be with my daughter, but I know that you are!! Let her know You’re there Lord, let her words be Your words, Father, I pray in Your Name, that she remembers You are her strength, and You are in front of her, behind her, beside her, and You are in her. I pray she calls on Your Holy Spirit, like I am calling on You now. Please, Lord rise up on Your daughters behalf, and may Your name get all of the glory.
We did it! Take a minute to celebrate that -- not only for yourself, but for your children. When we pray, we are in the trenches on behalf of them. And, one day, if they haven’t already, they will thank you for being a mom who prays!
On our last day together, we are going to turn our focus to an area that keeps me a praying parent.
Have you ever had your child wheeled away from you for surgery, let your hand go for their first day of kindergarten, drive away from your home for the first time by themselves or to college? Have you ever gotten that panicked phone call from your son or daughter who lives miles away, or maybe they are sitting right by you dealing with something internally, and they won’t let you in.
Just typing that out, hits me right in the feels in a bad way.
But here is what I know -- My God goes with my kids wherever they go.
He goes before them,
beside them,
behind them,
and He lives within them.
I love it when He and I can both be there, LOL, but there are many times we just can’t.
Yet, He ALWAYS can, and He ALWAYS will, and I can ALWAYS pray from wherever I am.
Now typing that out, hits me right in the feels in a good way.
I just can’t imagine not having this truth to fall back on and rest in, and you have it too!
So, use this knowledge as your strength and stand in the authority it gives you as a praying mother. You don’t have to sit in the school parking lot praying (yes, I’ve done that), or in the waiting room, or in your living room shrunk back as one with no power. No! You can pray from wherever you are, knowing the great I Am is with your child.
Ladies take that in!
The enemy wants you to wait in a posture of defeat and fear, and we learned on day one, that is not how we roll as God’s daughters. We will put the enemy on notice, that we are not to be discounted just because we may not be there with our kids in person, because God’s Holy Spirit is there, AND God is hearing us and our prayers from afar!
Can I get an Amen!!
Scriptures to pray
Ladies, I can’t just give you one scripture for this one. So, here we go…..
“The Lord is The One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalm 139:5
“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” Isaiah 45:2 (translation – He does not play!)
“The Lord your God who goes before you and will HIMSELF fight on your behalf.” Deuteronomy 1:30
Example Prayers
Father, You are The One who goes before Kalen, Charis, John, Christian, Nicholas, Sam, Emery & Leyton, and You will not fail or forsake them. I don’t have to fear and neither do they, because You not only go before them, but You follow behind them, and place Your hand of blessing on their head. Thank You, Father, thank You, that as their mom, I can know this and declare it in the presence of my enemy, and He can do nothing about it!
Father, it’s a tough day. I’m watching my son walk into a situation that makes me scared. But, Father, even though I can’t go with Him, I know You are. You, Yourself personally go to fight on His behalf. Father, please, may he feel Your Presence, experience Your peace, and give him strength knowing You are going in front of Him, and You stand behind Him.
Father, if there ever was a leveling mountains, breaking down gates of bronze and cutting through iron bars day, this is it. Oh, Lord, how I wish I could be with my daughter, but I know that you are!! Let her know You’re there Lord, let her words be Your words, Father, I pray in Your Name, that she remembers You are her strength, and You are in front of her, behind her, beside her, and You are in her. I pray she calls on Your Holy Spirit, like I am calling on You now. Please, Lord rise up on Your daughters behalf, and may Your name get all of the glory.