Matthew 16: Reimagining What God Imagined - Mike McDaniel

Sep 6, 2020    Mike McDaniel, Lead Pastor    Matthew 16, 13-20

Matthew 16:13-20

Mike talked about “relational disintegration,” what is it? Have you experienced any relational disintegration in this season? How do you rebuild the relationships that have drifted a part due to COVID isolation?

When Mike said the best way to bless a community is to start a church, what value can a healthy church bring to a community?

How has Grace Point showed value to our community over the past 6 months

(Group leaders let your people brainstorm, but here are some of the ways…)

Offering onsite and virtual counseling for families in crisis
Blessing bags for truck drivers
Meals for Mercy health care workers,
Meals for local nursery home workers
Sending a team to work in the recovery of Hurricane Laura

Trying to bring peace to the racial tension
Increased our online quality and reach through social media, launching a YouTube channel, to better communicate to people simply surfing the web for faith, hope and love.

Continuing our financial commitments to our global workers so they wouldn’t feel cut off from those who love and support them.

An appreciation meal was served to the Bentonville Police Department.

Reread Matthew 16:15-16, how does Peter’s
Theology shape his worship (doxology)? What does it mean that “theology precedes doxology?”
How does our worship show or point to KNOWING GOD.

Read Colossians 3:16 – break out all the qualities of a worship experienced contained in this verse.
Matthew 16:17-18 when Jesus talked about building his church, what is the original meaning of the concept church and how does that apply to us being the church and LOVING PEOPLE
What does the phrase “the gates of hell will not prevail” mean (v.18)?

How does Satan want to destroy, disarm, detour and distract Jesus’ church?
Matthew 16:18-19 How does the Church LIVING SENT expand God’s Kingdom.