Proverbs 16: What On Earth Am I Here For? - Mike McDaniel
Proverbs 16:1-4
If someone were to ask you "what is the meaning of life?" - Could you answer them in a clear and compelling statement in under 30 seconds?
Read Proverbs 16:1-4 – What are the key words in this text that point to the domains of our life? What is a common word that is true in every verse (LORD)?
How should “the LORD” be defining and influencing our purpose in life?
EXISTENCE: Do you ever struggle with why you are alive? (Jeremiah 20:18) How do you reconcile your answer with Scripture (Prov 16:4, Eph 4:10)
SIGNIFICANCE: Has God ever given you a word or verse that has given you a sense of direction in your purpose in life? (Isaiah 49:4-5
What does it mean to have significance behind your life?
INTENTION: How does a relationship with God help steer our paths forward in life? (Col 1:16; Prov 4:18)